The decommissioning project comprises three distinct phases.

Each phase is a stand-alone element of the project and must be completed before the next phase commences.

All phases of the project are managed by a Roche project team, led by the Project Manager. This team is supported by external contractors.

All operations are being carried out to the highest safety and environmental standards.

The three project phases include:

Clean to Shell



Processes and Standards

To assure that the highest standards are maintained throughout the execution of all the phases of the Decommissioning Project, a number of defined processes and standards have been established.

These processes and standards include.

Logistics Management

This sets out the conditions for operating the site and covers areas such as security, traffic management, operating hours…

Conformance with Regulatory Requirements

Details the various regulatory standards and requirements to which Roche has committed to as part of the project execution.

Environmental Considerations

Details the various regulatory standards and requirements to which Roche has committed to as part of the project execution.