The environmental management team continuously monitor environmental conditions both on and off-site.

As shown here, off-site monitoring is undertaken at three locations:

1. Slattery's Field

2. Power's Pub (garden)

3. River Fergus Bridge


Environmental Monitoring Results

Quarterly reports, submitted to Clare County Council, show the level of compliance with the relevant planning conditions. Full reports can be found on the Clare County Council website, within the planning section. Summary below:
*The IEL requires reporting when any parameter is below the compliance limit. One item was reported to the EPA in Q1 2024 - the phosphorous discharge was 2.88ppm versus the 2.00ppm limit. The root cause was examined and corrective actions out in place. This slight deviation had no environmental impact.
Governing Body Environmental Aspect Monitored Result - Quarter 1, 2024
Clare County Council Dust Levels 100% Compliant
Clare County Council Nitrogen Oxide (NOx) Levels 100% Compliant
Clare County Council Noise Levels 100% Compliant
EPA Storm Water Discharges 100% Compliant
EPA Waste Water Treatment 99.9% Compliant*